It’s been almost four years since I wrote the initial post about my Canon printer, time flies apparently 🙂
Well to be honest I haven’t used the Pixma Pro daily, but I guess that’s what I’m most impressed about.
I’ve read dosens of warnings about ink-based printers clogging up or becoming useless if left unplugged or unused for any period of time. Well that’s not the case for me! As life took me on a ride with two children and a pandemic the printer has been left untouched in the office serving mostly as a storage table for various items and not even being plugged in electrically.
So imagine my surprise when I took this photo and decided I wanted to see it printed in all it’s glory. I pulled out my neatly stored fine-art silk paper, connected the printer and started things up and imagine my surprise when everything worked as expected. I had to replace one single cartridge of ink, run a test print and I was up and running.
All of a sudden it all came back to me, the excitement of watching the print slowly making it’s way out of the printer and the joy of holding an actual print in my hands instead of looking at a computer screen.
So for what it’s worth, don’t believe all the horror storys of ink printers. You now know of at least one printer that’s capable of being idle for long periods and still manages to produce awesome results when needed. Or maybe I’ve just been extremely lucky, who knows 🙂